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20 Mar

Visit us at Ceramics Expo

Visit us at Ceramics Expo coming up in Cleveland next month! Click here for more information and to register for a free pass to all the events. In addition to hundreds of exhibitors serving the industrial ceramics community, there are free educational seminars. Want more information on Cleveland, Ohio? Click here . Last year we visited the […]

21 Feb

Deltech a member of Adams County Economic Development

Deltech a member of Adams County Economic Development thanks to an incentive program. In 2016, Deltech became a member of ACED because we participated in a business survey they conducted and we were a lucky winner of a drawing for three memberships. The memberships were offered as an incentive since apparently the completion rate on the […]

6 Feb

Change in payment terms

Deltech Furnaces offers 2% net in 10 payment terms Deltech, Inc, (aka Deltech Furnaces) is announcing a change in our payment terms effective February 1, 2017.  Customers can now choose to receive a two percent discount for payments sent and received within ten days of the invoice date. We invite all of our customers to […]

23 Jan

Ceramic and Glass Career Center

Ceramic and Glass Career Center Recently I asked Belinda Raines MTS, the Outreach Director of the Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation, about the Ceramic and Glass Career Center. The Career Center is one of many efforts being made by the American Ceramic Society through the Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation to connect industry students and […]

12 Jan

Who knew our forklift was a monster?

Who knew our forklift was a monster? It’s a Tailift purchased from a local supplier here in Denver, Mile High Forklift, like us a family owned and operated small business. It’s capable of lifting 5500 pounds, which is adequate for most of our loading and unloading needs. But when we think of big forklifts, we […]

21 Dec

Deltech Furnaces a sponsor at 2016 ACEC Career Expo

[nz_row][nz_col width=”3″] [/nz_col][nz_col width=”3″] [/nz_col][nz_col width=”3″] [/nz_col][/nz_row] Deltech Furnaces a sponsor at 2016 ACEC Career Expo, for the fourth year in a row. The Adams County Education Consortium is the group behind this annual event which introduces area 8th graders to many professions and to the educational and skill levels they will need to do […]

6 Dec

Exciting CGIF News!

Exciting CGIF News! That was the subject line for the email Marcus Fish, Development Director for the Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation, sent to board members today: “At the end of last week we received official notification that the Corning Incorporated Foundation has approved a grant in the amount of $50,000 for The Ceramic and […]

3 Nov

Five Things you Should Know about Controlled Atmosphere Furnaces

  Controlled atmosphere front load furnace: There are many vertical and horizontal tube furnaces suppliers, but few suppliers of front load, bottom load, and top hat furnaces specially designed for processing in inert atmospheres. To do so, the furnace must be sealed: the element ports, thermocouple ports, and door access. Gas inlets will allow purging […]

12 Jul

Help avoid “furnace down” crises

23 Jun

Meltdown! How to Avoid a Furnace Disaster

Meltdown! How to avoid a furnace disaster by using the safety features of the furnace system No one wants to hear “furnace” and “disaster” in the same sentence. Your new Deltech furnace control system was supplied with a limit controller to help you avoid one kind of catastrophe. A limit controller is a relatively inexpensive […]