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Multidisciplinary Event at PacRim 13

Multidisciplinary Event at PacRim 13

Dr. Glenn Gates of the Walters Art Museum has announced a special symposium to be held at PacRim 13. It’s entitled, “Analysis of Cultural Heritage: Discoveries and Understanding”. According to the organizers, the symposium will “feature the newest findings surrounding the technology, engineering, and materials associated with art, archeology, and cultural heritage”. The group is soliciting submissions, including those that focus on “innovative approaches to training and learning at the intersection of engineering, science, technology, and cultural heritage”.

For more information on PacRim 13 and the symposium, click here

Coincidentally, The Walters Art Museum currently has on exhibit “Ceramics: Materials and Techniques.

And Did you know that the American Ceramic Society has an Art, Archeology, and Conservation Science Division? This relatively new division has as its mission “To advance the scientific understanding of the materials found in ceramic art, to provide information that aids in the interpretation and preservation of traditional ceramic art and artifacts, as well as the techniques and technologies used in their creation.”