Science In Video Competition
The Materials Research Society (MRS) recently announced the 2019 Science In Video Competition. According to the Society, “This competition is open to anyone who is passionate about Materials Science and Engineering”. You couldn’t ask for a more open invitation than that! And these days all it takes to make a video is a smart phone. Submission s are due by October 30, 2019. The winning entries will be announced December 14, 20109 at the Materials Research Society Fall Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts. Prizes range from $300 to $1000. Here is a link to everything you need to know about the competition including links to view the videos created by the 2018 winners. Make sure to take note of the critical concluding statement that every video submission must include. (Hint: it gives credit to work in materials science and engineering.) Here is a link to the People’s Choice winner.
The Materials Research Society was founded in 1973. According to their Mission Statement, it is “an organization of materials researchers worldwide that promotes communication for the advancement of interdisciplinary materials research and technology to improve the quality of life”. They have 14500 members, according to the information on their website.
The American Ceramic Society, of which Deltech Furnaces is a longtime corporate partner, is more focused on glass and ceramics, subdivisions of the materials world. Deltech furnaces are in use globally for materials research and industrial ceramics and glass manufacturing. The furnaces shown below are for use in industrial ceramics manufacture and specialty glass development, respectively.
If you are wondering what the term “materials” covers in the materials science and engineering world, read “Stuff Matters”, an entertaining introduction by Mark Miodownik. For more in depth information but still accessible to those outside the disciplines, try “The Magic of Ceramics”. A copy is included in every Materials Science Kit distributed as part of the outreach efforts of the Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation.

Deltech RS Glass melt furnace in use in a specialty glass lab

Top Hat furnace with view of hearth