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Support our local restaurants!

Support our local restaurants!

Adams County Government has launched the AdCo to Go campaign. The campaign is meant to encourage everyone in Adams County to order takeout or delivery from our local restaurants. We all know that restaurants from coast to coast are among the businesses hardest hit by the Covid-19 crisis. Adams County Government is asking all businesses to promote this campaign through our websites and social media.

In our community, DoorDash is one of the services that provide safe and efficient delivery of food and beverages from restaurants. We are fortunate to have incredible variety minutes away, no matter where you are located in the county. From sushi to spaghetti, it’s all nearby.

Literally from soup to dessert and including alcoholic beverages, most every local place we’ve checked out is serving their full menu. You can order, pay, and get your food – whether takeout or delivery – with no contact. We all stay safe! And if you forget to order dessert, try Crumbl, the cookie place or grab some milkshakes from Chick-Fil-A. Click on the link to Crumbl and tell me that doesn’t look delicious!

No matter where you live or work, we can all appreciate the restaurant owners who, with contributions from those who can afford to help, prepare and delivery meals to health care workers, first responders, and people who are confined to their homes and have limited resources. A shout out to one that is special to the Stevenson family: Borrellis on Long Island, New York.

Thank you Adams County Economic Development,  an organization to which we are proud to belong,  for making us aware of the AdCo to Go program.

Support our local restaurants! Like us, they do business in Adams County and depend on the support of the community when times are hard.


Support our local restaurants