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Visit us at Ceramics Expo

Visit us at Ceramics Expo coming up in Cleveland next month! Click here for more information and to register for a free pass to all the events. In addition to hundreds of exhibitors serving the industrial ceramics community, there are free educational seminars.

Want more information on Cleveland, Ohio? Click here . Last year we visited the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame; there is much more there than you might expect; we should have allowed more time. It’s located right by Lake Erie, an attraction in itself! Did I mention that the Cleveland people are very friendly?

We hope you’ll come by and visit with us in booth 617. We are currently in our 50th year in business, and if you have a Deltech furnace we’d love to hear about it and its history. Deltech furnaces are like the Energizer bunny; they keep going and going. Why? Because they are well built to last, and designed to be easy (well, reasonably easy) for the end user to install and maintain. Maintenance includes replacing heating elements and element connectors, and reline parts.

Funny Ceramics Expo story: (well, it’s funny now, but at the time…) We had purchased one of those inflatable displays. Sounds great, right? Lightweight, suitcase size when packed up, the advertising video shows a happy exhibitor rolling it into the booth and quickly executing the setup and then going off to sightsee or have cocktails. So far so good, but then I’m standing in the booth on the first day of the show and our beautiful new display is plainly losing air! Lucky for me the incredibly kind and efficient staff at the IX Center come to the rescue, reinflating it and putting me “back in business”. But then it deflates again. And again. And again. At that point the IX Center maintenance staff tackles this problem once again and they fix the compressor! No more problems….

But then the other shoe drops…the display graphic (the expensive part) gets wet-torn-destroyed on the trip back.

This year we are renting the entire booth from IX, so we should be fine. Come by and see our new graphic, featuring some classic and new Deltech furnaces!