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Deltech Furnaces a sponsor at 2016 ACEC Career Expo

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Deltech Furnaces a sponsor at 2016 ACEC Career Expo

Deltech Furnaces sponsored tables and props

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Deltech a sponsor at 2016 ACEC Career Expo

The young participants often dress up for Career Expo

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Deltech Furnaces a sponsor at 2016 ACEC Career Expo

Deltech’s production lead answers student questions


Deltech Furnaces a sponsor at 2016 ACEC Career Expo, for the fourth year in a row. The Adams County Education Consortium is the group behind this annual event which introduces area 8th graders to many professions and to the educational and skill levels they will need to do those jobs in the future. Deltech’s mechanical drafter Perla Del Rio and production lead Bobby Duncan once again took point, staffing our tables and meeting 5000 plus students during the day long event.

As always our props include a lab furnace and various furnace components including ceramics such as thermocouple protection tubes manufactured by our customers.

This year we received several letters from participants after the event, a real treat for us. We hope you will enjoy seeing what the kids had to say:

“Dear Sir at Deltech Inc. Thank you for informing me about the daily work that you do. I am very interested in the technology that you work with and hope to some day work at Deltech Inc.”

“Dear Represenitive (sic) from Deltech Inc. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to teach me about engineering and what you do at Deltech Inc. I hope to be working with you in 4-8 years.”

“Dear Deltech Inc. I enjoyed meeting you and your company DelTech (sic) Inc. Engineering has always been something that has interested me and you gave me more reasons to look up to it and grow up to be one. As you explained, you will always learn something new and that seems to be awesome!! I am always looking forward to learning new stuff and create (sic) something that might grow big in the future. Although you have to keep up with the new pieces of technology that always comes (sic) out, it can’be be as difficult as you say, or can it!? A question that I forgot to ask was do you ever have the opportunity to help the bigger companies like Samsung or Apple? Lastly I would like to thank you for your time and explaining you (sic) career with us students. Thank you!”   (Blogger’s note: we work with some very big companies like Coors Tek and G.E. Aviation, but not Samsung and not Apple. Maybe someday…)

“Dear Deltech Inc. I would like to thank you for coming to the expo and taking your time to talk with me. I am very thankful for learning about your career and how hard it is. I really liked what you said when (sic) you don’t make the same machine over and over again.This was very interesting to me because if I was doing a job I wouldn’t want to be doing the same machine over and over again for so many years. Once again I would like to thank for for your time and thank you for reading this letter.” (Blogger’s note: believe me, reading your letter was our pleasure. Thank you for writing!)

Learn more about this event and other activities on the ACEC website. We are looking forward to once again providing sponsorship at the Backpacks to Briefcases event to be held in the spring, 2017.