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The Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation of the American Ceramic Society hosted the first annual Crystal Clear Science video competition in the fall of 2023. The competition, according to CGIF’s Communication and Grants Associate Helen Widman, was “encouraging undergraduate and graduate students to get creative with their delivery of scientific concepts geared toward the general population”.
Third place went to Ricardo Lancelotti and Jacob Lovi, students at the Federal University of Sao Carlos in Brazil, for their feature “Does stained glass of cathedral windows flow?” Check out their video here and see a Deltech RS line bottom loading glass melting furnace in action.
Deltech glass melt furnaces were created in the 1970s in response to the application requirements of the glass researchers at Sandia National Laboratory in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The basic design has evolved over the years to meet the ever-changing requirements of glass scientists around the world. Recent systems have featured controlled atmosphere chambers, larger workspace volumes, and crucible maneuvering and placement accomplished through the use of robotics.
Standard features of Deltech glass melters include a top opening for glass fining, pneumatic crucible platform operation to allow rapid quenching, a corrosive resistant ceramic lining, spill traps to contain glass spills and minimize damage to the furnace lining, and sustained operating temperatures up to 1800 Celsius. And that’s not all. Glass stirring mechanisms, manual or programmable, element protection liners to shield molydisilicide heating elements from glass attack, and site ports are among the many popular options. Moreover, all our control systems are certified by Intertek UL508A compliant, and frequently incorporate custom features such as HMIs designed to the user’s precise specifications.
Contact our Engineering team to explore how Deltech furnaces can meet your application requirements, no matter how challenging. Our passion, experience, and expertise are evident in our bespoke furnace systems.
Deltech glass melt furnace featured in winning video
Deltech glass melt furnace featuring an atmospheric chamber and robotic maneuvering and placement of the crucible
Deltech is a family owned small business incorporated in 1968. Members of the Stevenson family are part of the day-to-day operations in management, sales, engineering, and production.
Deltech Inc.
1007 East 75th Avenue, Unit E
Denver, CO 80229-6442 U.S.A.
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