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Glass melt furnaces used in environmental research
Researcher pouring glass melted in a Deltech glass melt furnace
This photo of a researcher pouring glass that was melted in a Deltech glass melt furnace appears on the homepage for the Alfred University Center for Glass Innovation. According to the information posted there, the Center was established at the New York State College of Ceramics to “develop next generation glass materials and improve glass manufacturing processes to optimize material performance”. A major goal is to develop energy efficient manufacturing processes that will reduce the carbon footprint of glass manufacturing. It was to that end that the Center received a 1.7M grant from the State of New York’s Environmental Protection Fund.
Numerous private companies in New York state who are in glass manufacturing or related materials and services also lend support. These companies include Corning, Guardian Glass, Anchor Glass, Saint Gobain and others, all large scale glass manufacture.
Do your research and development efforts require glass melt furnaces? Deltech glass melt furnaces feature corrosion resistant ceramic linings, split plugs and top cylinders to allow glass fining, pneumatic door operation for rapid quenching, element protection liners, controlled and many other features and options such as controlled atmosphere capability, custom robotic operation and sophisticated programmable stirring mechanisms that make them ideal for batch melting. We offer custom designed units as well as standard models. Visit our glass melting furnace product page for more information and contact us to discuss your application requirements.
Deltech began making our “RS” line of glass melt furnaces in the 1970s in response to the application requirements of the glass lab at Sandia National Laboratories. Since then these furnaces and their successors have become widely used in glass research and development in universities, government labs, and private companies across the globe.
Glass melt furnaces used in environmental research
Deltech is a family owned small business incorporated in 1968. Members of the Stevenson family are part of the day-to-day operations in management, sales, engineering, and production.
Deltech Inc.
1007 East 75th Avenue, Unit E
Denver, CO 80229-6442 U.S.A.
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