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Donate a Materials Science Kit to a classroom teacher today!
Materials science kits for classrooms
Did you know that more than 100 teachers nationwide are hoping for a donor like YOU to step up and give a materials science kit to their classroom by giving $250 to the CGIF (the Ceramics and Glass Industry Foundation of the American Ceramic Society). Maybe one of those teachers is in your child’s classroom!
Marcus Fish, Development Director for CGIF, says this about the kits:
“Our Materials Science Classroom Kit uses fun, hands-on lessons and labs to introduce middle and high school students to the basic classes of materials — ceramics, composites, metals, and polymers.Help inspire students to pursue materials science careers and become the next generation of ceramic and glass professionals.”
Speaking as a member of the CGIF board, I can tell you that this organization is all about the students. We are particularly proud that we are now providing the financial support needed by the PCSA (President’s Council of Student Advisors) of the American Ceramic Society. These amazing college students are the future stars of the ceramics and glass world, the people you will want to have working in your organization or teaching the next generation of ceramics engineers.
The beauty of this kind of gift is that you get to say exactly how your contribution will be used.
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