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Planning Your Visit: What you need to know

Visitors in the Deltech Furnaces production area

Visitors in the Deltech Furnaces production area

Planning Your Visit: What you need to know

Deltech looks forward to welcoming you to our facility.

Safety is our top priority and we want to ensure that our guests remain safe while visiting our facilities. The following Overview and Safety Guidelines will help you prepare for your visit.

Visitor Overview

  • All visitors are required to check in at the reception desk.
  • All visitors are to be escorted by a Deltech employee. Remain with your escort at all times.
  • Visitors must follow all instructions provided by your escort.
  • Cell phone use and picture taking is prohibited unless authorized by a Deltech manager.
  • Visitors are not permitted to carry weapons onto company property.
  • Visitors must comply with all posted signs.
  • Visitors may be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement.
  • All visitors entering our production area must comply with the PPE and General Safety Guidelines in our 2016 Safety Program.

Production Area: Required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Deltech will provide Safety Glasses, Safety Toe Slip-ons, Earplugs and Dust Masks as appropriate for your visit.


General Safety Awareness


Aisles and walkways

Always remain in aisles, walkways, and designated paths. (Note: Visitors may conditionally leave the safety of the aisles and walkways ONLY with the appropriate PPE and authorization from your escort)


Welding Operations

Never watch the welding flash or arc during your visit. Eye damage may result.


Machinery, Materials, and Products

Do not touch machinery, materials, or products during your visit unless approved by your escort as items could be hot, wet or sharp. (Note: Gloves may be required depending on the nature of your visit.)

Mobile Equipment

Be aware that we have mobile equipment (forklifts) operating in our shop. While pedestrians have the right of way, remain alert for moving equipment.


Walking Surfaces

Watch for uneven surfaces, obstructions or anything that may cause a slip, trip, and fall. While we strive to maintain safe walkways we prefer our guests to remain cautious and cognizant of cords, airlines or other hazards that could be present.


In an Emergency

In the event of an emergency, your escort will assist you to evacuate or take shelter.


Our assembly areas for evacuation are outside in our parking lot away  from the building. Our shelter area   for tornados is the breakroom on the main floor.


Your safety is important to us! Thank you for your cooperation with our conduct and safety guidelines. If you  have any questions, please contact 303-433-5939 and ask to speak with our Manager.