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Wildlife in the city impacts Deltech Furnaces

Wildlife in the city impacts Deltech Furnaces…

If you live in the city, you know that many kinds of wildlife have been forced to share their space with humans. As metropolitan areas expand onto areas that used to be farmland or wilderness, the indigenous animal populations have learned to coexist with we mammals. And in Colorado, cold winters and food shortages drive large mammals like bears and elk down into populated areas. It happens all the time in Boulder, Colorado and in Littleton, Colorado near the Chatfield reservoir. And some of you may recall that David Letterman, former talk show host, found a bear in his Montana home.

This blogger can’t top that or even deliver on the promising headline to this blog post, but I do have a fun story to share.

Monday morning one of Deltech Furnaces‘ neighbors informed our production supervisor that a furry friend was visiting in the building dumpster. He or she had climbed or slid in to the nearly empty container to find food. But now there was no way to escape from the bottom of the very large box with very high and slippery walls.

What to do? No one wanted to crawl in there with the “masked bandit”; they are known to fight viciously even if the “opponent” is in fact a good Samaritan trying to come to the rescue.

The Deltech team had a solution. Ladder in, raccoon out. Our furry and frightened visitor went right up on the rungs and was out and on his way. Whether or not the little guy pays a return visit probably depends on how good the meal was.

If you have a great story from your workplace that you’d like to share, please send it to and we’ll post it here.


Wildlife in the city impacts Deltech Furnaces

Nice of our little visitor to look at the camera!