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18 Feb

Multidisciplinary Event at PacRim 13

Multidisciplinary Event at PacRim 13 Dr. Glenn Gates of the Walters Art Museum has announced a special symposium to be held at PacRim 13. It’s entitled, “Analysis of Cultural Heritage: Discoveries and Understanding”. According to the organizers, the symposium will “feature the newest findings surrounding the technology, engineering, and materials associated with art, archeology, and […]

24 Sep

Deltech Receives Training Grant from CFEI

14 Aug

Golf to support student scholarships? You bet!

19 Jul

Colorado School of Mines students tour Deltech Furnaces

            Colorado School of Mines students tour Deltech Furnaces This summer Goeff Brennecka, Assistant Professor of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, took a group of his students on a tour of manufacturing facilities. What better place for students studying metallurgy and materials to visit than Deltech Furnaces! We were surprised at […]

13 Jul

Symposium on Flash Sintering

Symposium on Flash Sintering Rishi Raj, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at our own University of Colorado at Boulder, has announced a symposium on flash sintering to be held in August on the Boulder campus. Following is the information provided by Dr. Raj: “Introduction Since Marco Cologna’s seminal paper in 2010, flash sintering (hyperlink added by blogger) has […]

2 Mar

Furnace Giveaway! Free Furnace System!

Furnace Giveaway! Free Furnace System! In celebration of our 50 years of service to the ceramic, glass, and petrology communities, and in our tradition of providing support to education, Deltech Furnaces is giving away a 1500 degrees celsius front load furnace and control system to a nonprofit post secondary school that agrees to employ the […]

14 Feb

Student opportunities at GOMD

Student opportunities at GOMD GOMD – The Glass and Optical Materials Division of the American Ceramic Society – is holding their annual division meeting in San Antonio, Texas May 20-24, 2018. What is unique about this group and the upcoming meeting is that they encourage students to attend and enter their posters for “recognition and cash […]

2 Feb

Large diameter mullite tubes for sale

Large diameter mullite tubes for sale Once upon a time we purchased two 33cm outer diameter tubes from Bolt Technical Ceramics. Bolt later became part of Morgan Advanced Ceramics. The project for which we made the purchase was cancelled, and so we have these two ML60 tubes, each 152cm long, in stock. Somewhere out there […]

28 Oct

My visit to the Corning Museum of Glass

                Earlier this month I visited Pittsburgh for the Ceramics and Glass Industry Foundation (CGIF) board meeting and for Deltech’s participation in the expo at the Materials Science & Technology Conference (MS&T). From there I made the five hour drive to Painted Post New York, home of the […]

12 Sep

Visit us at MS&T in Pittsburgh

Visit us at MS&T in Pittsburgh Deltech will be exhibiting at the Materials Science and Technology conference and expo to be held October 8-12, 2017 at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania U.S.A. This is a joint conference convened by ACerS, AIST, ASTM International, and TMS. Please come and visit us in […]